Free Course on Child Passenger Safety Basics

Free Course on Child Passenger Safety Basics

A child car seat is one of the most important purchases you’ll ever make for your child’s safety: It can reduce the risk of injury and death. However, buying a child car seat can be confusing. There are many choices: new or used, colour, shape, size, etc. The following information will help you when buying a child car seat, plus this free course will provide you with the basic knowledge needed to secure children in vehicles.

The Most Important Twenty Minutes of the Day

The Most Important Twenty Minutes of the Day

What are the most important moments of the day? The 20 minutes you commit to planning.

You’re thinking, Planning? Yuck.

I know for some people it’s a dreaded word, but don’t worry. I’m not talking about writing a business plan or setting annual goals. I’m simply talking about dedicating 20 minutes to prioritizing and organizing your day.

The 20 minutes you spend today can save hours tomorrow and turn a good day into a great day.

Top 10 Winter Driving Tips to Share

Top 10 Winter Driving Tips to Share

Snow is in the forecast across the country, from a chance of snow in Vancouver, to snow on top of more snow in Alberta and the Maritimes. Winter driving is an important skill in our country, and with the holidays coming up the roads will be busier than ever. Share these winter driving tips with your insurance clients and help keep everyone safe on the road.

Rental Car Insurance: The Basics

Rental Car Insurance: The Basics

It’s been a long flight and the kids are cranky as you exit the airport toward the car rental office. You can’t wait to get a car to get to that beach-side villa, the one you found a great deal on over the Internet. The car rental itself was dirt cheap, too,...